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Pluto in Aquarius: The Age of Aquarius is Here

Updated: Nov 16

A picture with Pluto and the words Pluto in Aquarius
Pluto in Aquarius

November 19th marks the final shift of Pluto in Aquarius. This is a huge shift energetically, and one we won’t see again until 2043. So let’s talk about Pluto, and why this is such a major deal (and who may be feeling it the most).

Pluto is the planet that rules magic, transformation, and shadow. In whatever sign it stations, we see massive transformation and shake ups in whatever area it rules. It is like a roller coaster, where we see some epic highs and some drastic lows, all in the name of shaking off the old and allowing what is meant to grow, grow.

Let’s look at our most recent station for Pluto to see how the energy of things has changed. Since 2008, Pluto has been stationed in Capricorn. Capricorn loves structure and rules things like money, business, and stability in our lives. So as you can imagine (and probably experienced) the planet of transformation shaking up order and structure brought many highs and lows for people specifically in the realm of finance and career. It kicked off with the 2008 Financial Crisis and heralded the boom of social media,  startups, side hustle culture, and of course the resurgence of owning your own business. The way we work and the way we think about money has also radically changed in the last 16 years

On November 19th, Pluto is shifting into Aquarius. You may have heard that it had shifted at the beginning of this year, but it retrograded back into Capricorn at the beginning of September. Once it is in Aquarius, it will bring in an era of looking for new and fresh ideas. Typically we see major advancements in technologies (the Industrial Revolution occurred the last time there was Pluto in Aquarius) as well as a shift towards looking at things with regards to the collective. Aquarius is a sign often connected to the humanitarian spirit, looking at what is best for the whole of society rather than at the singular. Think of it as a shift from thinking about the 1% to thinking of the 99%.

Everyone feels the effect of these planetary shifts. I recommend specifically looking at where you have Aquarius in your chart, as well as where you have the other fixed signs: Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo. These will be areas where you may feel the shift and transformation more intensely over the next 16 years or so. I also recommend looking at where you have Cardinal placements (Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, or Libra), and identify where you may have felt that transformational energy over the last 16 years. At times it may have felt incredibly challenging, that’s kind of Pluto’s job. It highlights areas where we need to transform, acknowledge, heal and release shadow, and allows us to do so. 

That being said, Capricorn and Pluto are pretty at odds with one another. Capricorn rules over and loves structure, Pluto loves disrupting and making structures shake. This constant and deep disruption of structure and money (both of which are heavily tied to our sense of safety) made a lot of people feel unbalanced and unsafe. Pluto and Aquarius are much more aligned. Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism and collective thinking, it loves finding the new and flowing with transformation. 

I think sometimes we read things about the astrological happenings in the world or see a video about it online that can make it feel like we are leaves blowing in the Universe's wind. I know I certainly do, but I want to encourage you to feel empowered and excited about what is to come. Transformation and new possibilities are in the air, sometimes we just need to be open to seeing it coming for it to begin to feel real.

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