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Creating Boundaries around your Habits and Goals


Creating boundaries around your goals and habits

Summer is the energetic season of action; helping us to build new habits, play, create new possibilities, and achieve our goals. It is also the season of burn out. If you struggle with maintaining the goals you created at the beginning of the year and find that hazy time of summer is where things tend to awry, keep reading for tips and practices to help support you in actually taking actions.

Say no to what does not align with your desires in the moment or with your goals.

Saying no to things that don't align with you in the moment or your long term goals. This is a skill that takes time to develop, but when you are deciding what things to commit to it can help to check in with yourself, your energy, and your intentions. Ideally, you get to feel that "full body YES" when you are trying to make decisions, but in reality it may not always feel that simple. Guilt, worry over how others perceive us, and anxiety can sometimes cloud what we feel, so here is a checklist to help you process your feelings over making a decision to say yes.

  • Will this thing (even if it is something you don't feel really excited about doing) help you move forward in your goals?

  • Is the resistance you are feeling with this about fear or anxiety over creating new habits and change in your life?

  • Do you have the energy to commit to this? What do the next few weeks of your life look like, will you have energy then?

  • Does this things have significance or importance to the people in your life? Will this negatively affect your relationship with them in a way that you will regret?

I think it's important to clarify what I mean by that last question, since it can sound a little counter intuitive. While protecting your peace and prioritizing your self care is incredibly important, so are the relationships in your life. Community, feeling supported, and supporting others are all crucial in our self care.

Stay accountable to yourself, your dreams, and your desires

Stay Accountable to yourself, your dreams, and your desires. When you are trying to transform, the hardest part is often just getting up the energy or motivation to start. It is uncomfortable to be bad at something, it's uncomfortable to be new at something, it's uncomfortable to boldly put yourself out there to say I want this and I am going to make it happen. But through that discomfort is alchemy. It's the ability to say I did it and feel pride in yourself. As you are in the energy of taking action, try and hold yourself to those actions. Think of a pep talk that you'd tell a friend, and tell it to yourself. Holding yourself accountable doesn't mean forcing your body past its point of exhaustion or pushing yourself into burn out, it means valuing your promise to yourself even when you'd rather be focusing on something new. You, and your dreams, and your desires deserve that from you.

Needing rest is enough of a reason to take a break

Needing rest is enough of a reason to take a break. With all that being said, sometimes the thing you need to place boundaries around the most is your body, mind, and soul. Rather than running yourself ragged or feeling drained on your only days off to the point where you're getting sick, put non-negotiable time in for yourself each day and week. Check in regularly and take the mental break you need off of your phone, the emotional rest from taking time to be alone, and the physical rest of just having days where you do nothing. Ignore the opinion of others and let yourself recharge before you take action again.

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